Shanghai, A Tale Revisited: China Joy and the Long Road Back

It’s been a year since we stepped away from the glowing screens and buzzing crowds of China Joy 2023, but the memories are still fresh. We finally have a moment to sit down and reflect, to share a story that’s less about the spectacle and more about the connections we made, the lessons we learned, and the journey we’ve been on.

We’re from SLAB, a game development studio in Bali, Indonesia. China Joy wasn’t just another event on our calendar; it was a chance to see how far we’ve come and to dream about where we’re headed. From July 28 to 31, 2023, we found ourselves in the heart of Shanghai, surrounded by over 338,000 visitors and nearly 500 enterprises from 22 countries. It was a gathering of creative minds, a celebration of innovation, and, for us, a return to a city that holds a special place in our hearts.

You see, this wasn’t our first time in Shanghai. Thirteen years ago, in 2011, we were here with our game Billy Makin’ Kid, which had made it as a finalist in The Independent Games Festival in China. We were young, wide-eyed, and full of hope, not quite knowing what the future would hold. Fast forward to 2023, and there we were again, this time with Where is My Cat? — a game that, thanks to China Joy, found a publisher in Korea. It felt like coming full circle, returning to where it all began, but with a little more experience and a lot more gratitude.

China Joy 2023 was a whirlwind. The Shanghai New International Expo Center was alive with energy, with every corner offering something new to discover. AI, VR, blockchain — technology was pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and we were there to soak it all in. But beyond the technology, it was the people who made the event truly special.

One of those people was Hanna, an Indonesian game developer from Panitia Game Dev, whom we met by chance. Hanna was part of a group that developed the game and was studying animation in China. She earned the opportunity to showcase the group’s work at China Joy. Watching her confidently present their collective effort, we couldn’t help but feel proud.

Amid the excitement, we also connected with Chung and Kee from Qgames. What started as a simple conversation quickly grew into something more. By the time we returned to Bali, we were already discussing a collaboration. A few online meetings later, and we had a deal in place to bring Where is My Cat? and Meow Merge to the Korean market. It was a partnership built on mutual respect and a shared passion for what we do.

We also had the pleasure of visiting Fun Pizza Studio, a dedicated team of developers in Shanghai. Over an afternoon meal, we exchanged stories and ideas, finding common ground in the challenges and joys of game development. It was a humble reminder that no matter where we are in the world, we’re all working toward the same goal: to create games that resonate with people and bring a little bit of joy into their lives.

Now, as we look back on China Joy 2023 from the perspective of 2024, we realize how much that experience meant to us. It wasn’t just about the games or the technology; it was about the community, the connections, and the shared dream that brought us all together. China Joy was a milestone for us, a moment of reflection on where we’ve been and where we’re going.

So, yes, it took us a year to share this story, but it’s one worth telling. China Joy 2023 was a celebration of creativity, perseverance, and the incredible people who make this industry what it is. As we move forward, we carry those memories with us, inspired and ready for whatever comes next. Here’s to the journey, the friendships, and the passion that drives us all. Thank you, China Joy, for reminding us why we do what we do.

Denpasar, 9th August 2024